Wow, this is probably a new definition of 'being pissed'. Today I got a new mobile phone and I was sosososososososo excited. When I had it in my hands I was just like "oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Well, of course I wanted to turn on the phone immediately so I switched it on. I WANTED to switch it on! BUT THE FUCK PHONE DOESN'T WORK!!! fucking fuck shitty damn mobile phone! WHY the hell can't it just work? (sorry, rude word.) Tomorrow I'll bring the phone back to the store I bought it.
SvaraRadera(Vorher "Veränderung eines Mädchens")
Ich habe einen neuen Blog und du hattest meinen alten bereits gelesen, deswegen würde ich mich freuen,wenn du mich weiterhin ließt.
Liebe Grüße <33